We received our official orders to Singapore so we are trying to plan our move over there which is quite problematic when the active duty member is not Statesside. Seems that I am half human in the eyes of the military because I am just "the dependent." I like planning and having everything squared away so not being able to check things off of my list is quite stressful. But I know it will all get done, maybe not on my timetable but eventually it will all come together! We plan on leaving for Singapore the first week of July, if all things go according to plans. I am reminded daily of the following verse, "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:16
On a lighter note, you will notice in the above picture that my girls have taken to playing "doctor" with our bassett hound as their patient. Poor dog...I'm sure she's wishing for a new family right about now. She takes it like a trooper!!!